MSL Landlord, is intended to enable landlords of residential and now commercial properties to find good quality cover at competitive premiums with a range of enhancements.
The rebranded product (formerly called KeyLet) has been extended to include commercial landlords and provides cover for up to £50,000 of legal costs, plus access to legal helplines and advice from the company’s own nationwide panel of experts.
Nick Garner, managing director at MSL Legal Expenses said: “Rapid market contraction has made life very difficult for professional landlords and buy-to-let investors. In the current climate, they are looking very closely at their costs and the effect on rental yields.
"Our new product is designed not only to provide a high level of cover, but also offer a degree of flexibility for policyholders by offering upgrades and enhancements to meet their specific needs. For brokers, we have made quoting, issuing the policy and ordering stationery far easier through our online quotation system called MSL Connect.”
MSL’s Landlord policy is underwritten by Financial and Legal Insurance Company.

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