The “Specialist Landlords Insurance – In Partnership with Lets with Pets” has been established due to overwhelming demand from landlords who are eager to branch out and rent to pet owners, but want the reassurance of specialist buildings and contents insurance.
Tellingly, a recent survey found that 88% of landlords said they would rent to pet owners if there was an insurance product available covering pet damage.
The Lets with Pets scheme, run by Dogs Trust, aims to make private renting with pets easier for landlords, letting agencies and pet owners by providing practical advice and a range of free resources.
Clare Kivlehan, Dogs Trust Lets with Pets Manager, says:
“Over three quarters of pet owners experience difficulties finding privately rented accommodation that allow pets[2]. Yet, there are many benefits of renting to pet owners and many landlords have been missing out on this lucrative sector of the market. So, we are delighted to be teaming up with Endsleigh to offer landlords this specialist cover.”
Sean Sage, Endsleigh’s Let Property Sector Manager, commented:
“With over 30 year’s experience developing property insurance solutions for the landlords sector, Endsleigh is committed to providing specialist insurance protection to meet all the requirements of buy to let landlords. Often the perceived problem of pet damage is the major obstacle for landlords when it comes to renting to pet owners. So, we are delighted to be working with Dogs Trust and Lets with Pets to provide comprehensive insurance cover for landlords to put their mind at rest.”
The insurance policy will be available to individual landlords and cover will include accidental pet damage as standard, 120 days unoccupancy, theft by tenants, £2m property owners’ liability, malicious damage by tenants and landlords contents.
For more information on the Lets with Pets and Endsleigh Pet Insurance Policy, go to: or contact
For more information and advice about the Lets with Pets scheme, please visit

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