The new product, which covers rent and legal protection, will cover landlords against losses that occur as a result of unforeseen events, such as tenants failing to pay their rent or breaching the terms of the tenancy.
Commenting on the product, Ian Fraser, managing director of Letsure said: "Letsure is delighted to be working with such a prestigious brand as Hamptons International.
"The product that we have designed for Hamptons International is one of the best available in the marketplace and we are confident that it will be warmly received by their customers."
Lesley Cairns, head of lettings at Hamptons International added: "I am excited about this bespoke service we are offering to our clients as there are many unexpected circumstances which put landlords at risk.
"Some tenants may not have a spotless credit history particularly following the last 18 months, so landlords need to consider tenant history and affordability especially as unemployment remains challenging."

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