Perfect for smoothing deal-breaking situations where a landlord is not as keen on pets as the potential tenant, TenantCare Cat and TenantCare Dog insurance from Petpals Direct can be taken out by the pet-owner to insure against property damage the pet may cause to the rented accommodation.
Designed specifically for tenants living with cats or dogs, it is the only product of its kind on the market. Not only does it insure against property damage caused by the pet, it also includes cover for common types of accident and illness.
With prices starting from just £5.17 per month for cat insurance, based on a six month old moggy living in Derby, or from £8.42 per month for dogs, based on a six month old Jack Russell living in Blackburn, the insurance offers a cost-effective way for tenants to secure the house of their dreams and cover expensive vet bills.
Tenant pet insurance from Petpals Direct offers peace of mind to tenants who are familiar with the high costs of moving. The policy allows tenants to claim £700 if there is damage caused by the pet during the first 36 months of occupancy, and £500 thereafter.
In addition to the property damage cover, there is also £1500 of vet fee cover for cats in a number of specific illness and accident categories.
These include: infectious diseases, cancer, feline lower urinary tract disease, feline asthma, diabetes mellitus, foreign body ingestion, bone fractures, defined poison ingestion, feline high-rise syndrome, bite wounds and bite wound abscesses, and burns. There is immediate cover with no waiting period, and no upper age limit. So, feline friends of all ages are welcome.
For dog insurance the limit for vet fees is £2000 per illness and accident category, which include: infectious diseases, cancer, digestive aliments, ear problems, heart disease, foreign body ingestion, bone fractures, defined poison ingestion, allergic reaction to insect bites, bite wounds and lacerations, burns and motor vehicle accidents. Again, there is immediate cover with no waiting period, and no upper age limit.
For quotations, terms and conditions, and full details of TenantCare Cat and TenantCare Dog, agents, tenants and landlords can contact Petpals Direct on 0800 328 9847 from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, by email, or at

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